Zus Coffee vs Starbucks (Malaysia, 2024)

Analysis of Zus Coffee and Starbucks in Malaysia

data visualization

Zahier Nasrudin


April 22, 2024


With the recent boycott of Starbucks in Malaysia and the hype surrounding Zus Coffee, I am analyzing the stores of these two chains in Malaysia 😀


Map 1

The first map shows districts in Malaysia, indicating areas with more Zus Coffee, Starbucks, an equal number of both, or neither:

In the Klang Valley area, Starbucks is expected to be more prevalent, whereas Zus Coffee can be found more frequently in other areas of Peninsular Malaysia.

Meanwhile, in East Malaysia, although both of these chains are not present in most districts, Starbucks is more prevalent compared to Zus Coffee.

Map 2

Here is the distribution of Starbucks and Zus Coffee: Starbucks stores outnumber Zus Coffee stores, but Zus Coffee is more diverse, especially in Peninsular Malaysia.

Total by state

Here is a more informative graph illustrating Starbucks’ dominance in the Klang Valley, with Zus having a greater presence in other states, particularly in Peninsular Malaysia (PM). An interesting observation is that Starbucks even has a store in Labuan, as shown in the contribution per state graph.

I will definitely revisit this analysis in four months to see if the situation remains the same.

The datasets for the list of Starbucks and Zus locations can be found on my GitHub repository: https://github.com/zahiernasrudin/datasets/tree/main/coffee%20shop